Thursday, November 22, 2012

Fat Burner


Post kali ni den nak cite pasal fat burner,haha bukan apo den tgh makan benda ni sekarang.Den nye BMI calculation sudah out la.So penyelesaiannye den try mkn fat burner ni +workout sikit2+pemakanan yang seimbang.Fat burner yang den makan ni brand API.Baru 3 minggu try benda ni so tak brani nak bagi komen lagi,tggu lepas 2 bulan den try nnt den bagi komen yo.

Ni info yang den dapat pasal API ni :

A Powerful Thermogenic Blend

Supplement Facts

Serving Size: 1 Tablet
Servings Per Bottle: 120 tablet
  • Amount Per Serving Per 100 Gram
  • Fat Burner Advanced Blend237.5mg35g
  • Consisting of: Kola Nut Extract, Coffee Arabica (coffee), Cinnamon, L-Carnitine, Grapefruit Extract, Cayenne Pepper, Chromium Picolinate, White Mustard Seed, Green Tea Powder


This carefully balanced formula combines the best known and most effective lipotropics and thermogenics in the industry. The thermogenic blend of Coffee Arabica, Green Tea, Kola Nut, Cayenne Pepper, and Cinnamon helps promote your body to target fat for the production of heat. L-Carnitine, a lipotropic agent assists by transporting fat to the part of the cell where it can be used as fuel. The addition of Chromium further assists by helping control fat storage. This combination creates the best environment for burning fat while also interrupting the storage of fat. FAT BURNER ADVANCED is also a good source of antioxidants and polyphenols to fight against free radicals in the body

Ni la rupenye fat burner tu:


  1. braper sebotol bro????Nie mesti awek da sound nehhh....

  2. haha,tak do la bro,sajo yo makan.BMI dah out la,nak mintak kojo sojar pun x lopeh.Harga RM140.Kot nak try boleh call Mr.Muscle kito En.Nazel 017-6853530.Macam2 barang makanan supplement dia jual.

  3. Ramai orang nk berdiet, tapi tidak menjaga makan dan bersenam.. untuk korang yang sudah mencube untuk diet tapi tiade perubahan, ini kerana metabolisma korang rendah. korang boleh amek suppliment API untuk tingkat kan metabolisma, dan bakar lemak harian yang korang ambil, dan boleh build muscle bila lemak dapat di kurang kan. order sekarang dari kami.. sesuai utk lelaki dan wanita
